
Transforming school learning environments for students’ autonomy and active didactic methods, on 28 September at Didacta

The old school environment is suitable for lecture-based lessons but now new technologies and the knowledge society make it necessary for students to develop new competencies. Leonardo Tosi, Indire’s technology researcher will be at Fair Didacta, together with the representatives of two schools (the teaching district “San Filippo” of Città di Castello (PG) and the Alemannenschule in Wutöschingen in Germany) to discuss and reflect on how the school environment can be transformed and reorganised in a flexible and innovative way, in order to promote students’ relational competencies.

The above-mentioned issues are going to be discussed in the workshop “How to transform learning environments for students’ autonomy and active didactic methods”, on 28 September, from 2 pm to 4pm, at Fair Didacta Italy. The headmaster Massimo Berardelli and the teachers Daniela Mori and Chiara Castellari of the “San Filippo” school will present their experience of rethinking physical spaces, and reconfiguring and hybridising spaces which were originally designed for lecture-based teaching models.

Stefan Ruppaner (headmaster), Tanja Schöler (teacher), and Valentin Helling (teacher) from the Alemannenschule school in Wutöschingen (Germany) will show how different environments can favour different learning pathways.  

Indire’s speakers will be: Stefania Chipa, Giusy Cannella, Giuseppe Moscato, and Leonardo Tosi.

See the video