
School/work alternation, two workshops on methodology, didactics and best practices

Best practices of school/work alternation, selected by Indire, will be the focal point of some events of the scientific programme of Fair Didacta (Florence, Fortezza Da Basso, 27-29 September).

Indire has been committed to this very actual theme for many years by supporting the MIUR to realise an online platform, and by carrying out many research projects fuelling school/work alternation with innovative models implemented on the national territory.

The first event, “Didactic methods in school work alternation” (28/09 from 2 to 4 pm) is focused on the most innovative work-based models, which proved to be able to trigger off a real change in didactic methods, and to introduce virtuous contaminations between the education and work sectors.

The second event, “School/work alternation: educational guidance and skills development in high schools, technical schools and vocational education” (29/8  from 4.15 to 6.15 pm) will present new didactical and organisational opportunities, made available by innovation in the system of production and services. Financial literacy, Monetica and design thinking are innovative methods to draw upon, in order to renew the school world.

The Indire’s researcher Carlo Mariani presents the two events at Fair Didacta:

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