Two days of projects and assessments on how school is evolving, an unmissable opportunity to discuss with sector specialists online about the future of school and to take a first step towards DIDACTA FAIR 2021, to be held at the Fortezza da Basso in Florence from 17th to 19th March 2021 for the fourth consecutive year.
Over 4,000 teachers will participate in the four scheduled online events. Opening the first day of “Didacta Fair 2021 Is Approaching” – Tuesday, 13th October at 15:00 – a video message from Italian Education Minister Lucia Azzolina.
The event will start with the theme Pre-School Education in the Age of Digitisation: A Necessary Reorientation. Multiple and unprecedented scenarios will be examined, appearing after the recent reform following which the 0-6 age group was organically included within the education system. In the light of what happened in these last months, the use of technology to educate children proved to be a controversial aspect, which therefore requires a thorough debate. Participating Guests: Anna Ascani, Italian Education Deputy Minister, Giancarlo Cerini, President of the Commission for “Zerosei” Integrated System, Wassilios Fthenakis, Honorary Chairman of Didacta International, Maria Antonietta Salvucci and Daniela Marrocchi from the Italian Ministry of Education, Immacolata Aievoli from Via Baccano Comprehensive School in Rome, Anna Maria Idile, from Primo Levi Comprehensive School in Marino (Rome). Moderator: Maria Assunta Palermo, General Manager of the Italian Ministry of Education (MIUR).
The theme of the second session on this first day will be Online Teaching: Digital World as a Resource (from 17:00 to 19:00). The discussion will focus on the need to benefit from the opportunities offered by the digital world in these last months, to change the school system and the didactic organisation. Participating Guests: Claudio Gagliardi, Head of the Training and Active Employment Policies Department of Unioncamere (Italian Union of Chambers of Commerce), Stefania Bassi from the Italian Ministry of Education, Tommaso Minerva, President of the Italian Society of e-Learning (SIe-L), Pierpaolo Limone, Chancellor of the University of Foggia, Elisabetta Mughini, Head of INDIRE Research Department, Wassilios Fthenakis, Honorary Chairman of Didacta International, Pier Cesare Rivoltella, President of Sirem. Moderator: Giovanni Biondi, President of INDIRE.
New School Structures for a New Didactic Organisation is the theme opening the second day (Wednesday, 14th October, from 15:00 to 17:00). The pandemic and the opportunities offered by the Recovery Fund might be an unrepeatable occasion to promote a structural change. Changing spaces represents a major drive to innovate the educational model: “Space Teaches”. Participating Guests: Leonardo Tosi, Researcher of INDIRE, Vanessa Pallucchi, National President of Legambiente Scuola e Formazione, Valentina Bianchi, from the Italian National Association of Builders (ANCE), Giuseppe Capocchin, President of CNAPPC (National Council of Architects, Planners, Landscapers and Conservationists). Moderator: Rossella Muroni, Member of the Italian Chamber of Deputies.
A School in Midstream – The Unfinished School Autonomy is the last event of the two days DIDACTA FAIR 2021 IS APPROACHING (Wednesday, 14th October, from 17:00 to 19:00). The thorniest aspects of school autonomy will be discussed. An autonomy which, after its launch – over twenty years ago – remains largely unfinished. An unfinished autonomy might restrain very much essential innovation processes. Participating Guests: Antonello Giannelli, President of ANP (Italian National Association of Principals), Roberto Pellegatta, Director of the magazine ‘Dirigere scuole’ (DiSAL), Angelo Paletta, from Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna, Paola Nencioni, Researcher of Indire. Moderator: Patrizio Bianchi, Professor of the University of Ferrara – Councillor of the Region of Emilia Romagna.